Understanding Intrinsic and Functional Safety for Off-Highway Vehicles
Off-highway vehicles (OHVs) – from construction machines to agricultural and mining equipment –...
Digitization Strategies for the Next Generation Off-Highway Vehicles
The digital transformation sweeping across industries is also reshaping the off-highway vehicle...
Revolutionize OT App Development with Utthunga’s Mobile App Copilot
Imagine the scene in a modern manufacturing plant: a seasoned engineer, armed with a tablet/mobile...
The Essential Checklist for Application Modernization
Let's face it - your legacy applications are living on borrowed time. They were built for an era...
Navigating Innovation Roadblocks with Application Modernization
Imagine your factory's production line, once the pinnacle of efficiency, now struggling to keep...
How Embedded OPC UA can Enhance Potential for Interoperability
Introduction We have long realized that digitalization is the key to unlocking hidden business...
How OPC UA is Revolutionizing Industrial Automation
Think about a production plant or a manufacturing unit, it is a visual cacophony of machines,...
Software Testing in Industry 4.0
The fourth edition of the Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, as it is commonly known is here...
5 Practical Applications of IIoT in Industrial Automation
Industrial Internet of Things or IIoT refers to...
Let’s engineer challenges into opportunities and ideas into reality
Communication from Mr.Krishnan, founder of Utthunga technologies on our mitigation plan for COVID-19
As we speak, the emergence and spread of the pandemic Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has shocked the entire world. This has not only affected normal life, but is also challenging our health infrastructure. Utthunga, under the leadership of our Founder and MD, Krishnan KM, has responded to this crisis with resolve and agility. This document highlights the actions and precautions that we are taking to ensure health and safety of our employees and the continued services to our customers.