Data Integration Services

Data is the foundation of any digitalization initiative. Are you facing challenges in acquiring data for any of your industrial process or workflow? – No worries anymore! Our celebrated industrial data connectivity services and data integration services will enable you to efficiently collate real-time data without any discrepancies.


Data is the key currency with which all businesses are operating in the current economic climate. However, data needs to be collected from various sources. Also, it is available in different formats. Such an eclectic collection of data may not be of much use for data analytics unless the data is first integrated. Data integration technologies combine data obtained from different sources such as sensors, field devices, and other IoT industrial devices and present them in a unified format. Data integration not only enhances the quality of the data obtained, but also makes data migration and data transformation more effective. This process compares different data formats, removes duplicates, cleans data based on preset conditions and transforms data to a predetermined format.

We use the following technologies in our data integration services/solutions


OPC or Open Platform Communications is a widely used and very popular standard that enables industrial assets and software applications to communicate with each other. Using OPC, access to the industrial assets, machines, devices and other systems in the industrial environment is standardized and enables similar and manufacturer-independent data exchange.

Industry Protocols

Industry communication protocols are the language by which the various industrial assets communicate with each other and the systems above them. Given the myriad suppliers of industrial systems, there are plethora of protocols for communications creating silos in the OT layer. We have knowledge and experience with almost all the popular industrial protocols and the ability to implement proprietary protocols as well.

Device integration

Device integration refers to the integration/connectivity of field devices to other hardware and software systems. FDT and FCG standards provide device integration technologies for standardized sensor-to-cloud and enterprise-wide integration. As the most widely adopted standards for integration of assets in process and factory automation systems, these technologies enable devices to communicate, interact, and interoperate.

Why Data Connectivity Solutions are Required for Industries?

and to identify areas of automation as well as the extent of automation. These changes can be implemented in the production process to optimize productivity, quality, helps reach your day-to-day operational efficiency goals, develop new revenue streams and in future planning.
The Benefits of Data Connectivity Solutions are:
  • Allow you to capture data from different sources and in different formats
  • Build a unified database that enhances the value of the data
  • Data connectivity also enhances security and safety
  • Ensure compliance in the production process
  • Improve productivity and quality
  • Allow better collaboration between teams or stakeholders
  • Gain reliable data insights faster through high-quality and consistent data
  • Reduce data complexity and make it accessible to all the stakeholders
  • Provide the right data to the right stakeholder at the right time
  • Help stakeholders make informed decisions
  • Give you the edge to stay ahead of competitors
Low data quality, insufficient data, data disparity and communication gaps are the biggest challenges faced by OEMs, system integrators, and end users. As a result, the production process may stop because of the inability of the technicians and operators to identify the root cause of the machine malfunction leading to huge production downtime, which in turn can affect your bottom line. The other challenge is sporadic and irregular maintenance and service of the equipments and machines due to the continued focus on meeting production goals. Setting up an effective data integration system can overcome all these challenges.

OEMs and system integrators can leverage OPC and Device Integration technologies to enable seamless data connectivity and data integration between the plant floor and the enterprise applications. A vital outcome of data connectivity and data integration is real-time access to the hidden and timely insights on the industrial processes. It is a step in the right direction towards industrial automation to identify weak links in the product process

Data Integration Services Provided by Utthunga

We offer customized data integration services based on your business needs and goals.

The services that we offer include:

  • Real-time data collection from the OT layer the enterprise and cloud layers above.
  • Ensure compliance to regulatory and industry standards.
  • Automate process to optimize product quality and accuracy.
  • Performing edge-analytics and edge-processing on the captured data.
  • Use data to enhance safety in the production process.
  • Identify possible security threats and improve information security.
Industrial data connectivity

Why Utthunga for Data Integration Solution?

Utthunga is an a Product Engineering and Industrial Solutions Company that focuses on providing intelligent automation solutions for companies based on their business process and model. We have been delivering reliable technological solutions for clients for the last 12 years. Utthunga offers data connectivity solutions that allow users to manage software applications and operate devices using data integration solutions. We use industry protocols such as Profibus, Ethernet/IP, FF, HART, several others and even custom protocols to ensure data transfer is encrypted, authenticated, and secure.

We blend our deep understanding of Automation/Operations technologies and ready to use frameworks to provide end-to-end software solutions to run Operations & Maintenance effectively and efficiently. Stakeholders can leverage our products & IP to deliver mix of solutions and services:

  • Industry Protocol stacks – HART, Modbus TCP, IO Link, MTConnect, EtherNet/IP
  • uOPC Suite
  • IIoT accelerators – Javelin, uConnect
  • DPI framework
  • Simulation framework
Our data integration services enable companies to
  • Collect data from different sources and in different formats
  • Build a scalable IIoT architecture
  • Make informed decision based on reliable data
Utthunga is an active member of numerous Industry Consortium specification working groups such as OPC Foundation, FieldComm Group, FDT Group, ODVA, ETG, PI (IO-Link), and CLPA. We are very proud to say that we are the first PROFIBUS and PROFINET Competence Centre in India. Utthunga also regularly conducts PROFIBUS and PROFINET Training/workshops in India to aid the development and implementation of these cutting-edge industrial automation technologies in our country. Plus, we are an accredited FDT Test and Certification Center in India. Utthunga also conducts FDT seminars and workshops across the country.

To know more in detail about our data integration services and how we can customize it according to your business goals, contact us.


1. What is Data Integration Service?

Data integration service in industry involves plugging into sensors, field devices, control systems and other industrial assets to capture real-time data for real-time or historical processing. This data is analyzed to identify process areas that can be improved or automated. The data also helps in identifying security threats.

2. Why is Data Integration important?

Data integration collates real-time data that can be used to make critical decisions regarding the production process or operations. Data integration and connectivity also gives you real-time alerts on security breach and quality issues. There are numerous other ways in which data integration can help improve the production process and output.

3. What are Data Integration techniques?

The major data integration techniques are:

  • Manual data integration
  • Data virtualization integration
  • Middleware data integration
  • Application-based integration

If you would like to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL, we are here to assist you!

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